An Adapted Solution for the Welding and Grinding Departments at Trade School in Laval, Quebec, Canada

The school’s welding & training departments were being relocated to a new facility and BPA, a local engineering firm, contacted AQC for a solution to safely extract and filter fumes and dust from their welding and grinding operations.

Product information

Product: MAXIFLO 3 cartridges collectors, 3 blowers, 103 capture arms, 28 downdraft tables: All customized.


Application: Training School: Welding & Grinding facilities

Customer: École des Métiers Spécialisés de Laval

Installer: GC: DEVCOR, MC:Ventilation Jean Roy

Installation date: 09/08/2023



  • The location of the 3 cartridges dust collectors, blowers and air make up units would have to be in a tight space outdoors in between 2 buildings.
  • Nearby classrooms imposed a low sound level requirement for the collectors, blowers and air make up units.
  • The welding booths were to be designed with small footprints posing a design challenge for the capture arms.
  • The work tables and downdraft tables needed to be of a certain dimension to accommodate for the classrooms’ dimensions.

AQC’S Solution

  • The cartridge collectors, usually 4 rows high of filter cartridges, were built with an additional row in order to reduce their footprints and accommodate clearance requirements.
  • The blowers had customized sound enclosures built for them to meet the sound level requirements.
  • The capture arms had customized lengths so they can fit in the welding booths and provide the required range of motion without imposing too much space.
  • Customized work tables and downdraft tables were built to accommodate the sizes of the classrooms.

Outcome: The capture arms are providing adequate suction to safely draw away welding fumes from the students. The downdraft tables are adequately drawing in the dust from the grinding operation. The dust collectors, blowers, and air make up units are operating under the sound level limits.

The students and teachers are satisfied with the system and they can work knowing that their health and safety is not compromised.

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