Processing of hazardous waste

A Company Involved In The Treatment Of Hazardous Waste Provided A Safe Environment Using An AQC Maxiflo Dust Collector


Product information

Product: MAXIFLO downflow dust and fume collector

Model: 2MCH2-8

Application: Hazardous dust

Customer: STABLEX, a US Ecology Inc Company

Installer: Ventilex, Montreal, Canada

Installation date: 20/09/2023



Stablex invited AQC to assist them in specifying an outdoor dust collector for the collection of light concentrations of hazardous and explosive dusts.

The principal challenge was to ensure a high efficiency of dust collection in a heavy duty fully welded dust collector and assure that no infiltration would take place.  Certification and compliance were required using Class1, Division2, Groups A, B, C and D, and Class 2, Division 2, Groups F and G for the dust collector’s motor and controls.



Ventilex was the contractor awarded with the project and installed the collector and all its accessories such as the explosion vent with deflector, rotary air lock, bin fill detector and broken bag detector. The control panel including motor starters for the fan and rotary air lock were installed by the mandated electrician.  A no-return fire prevention damper was installed and wired back to the main control panel along with other auxiliary controls.

Ventilex completed the installation in less than a week and the system was put into operation once all the necessary permits were obtained.



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