Vehicle exhaust fumes are a health hazard for workers

When a vehicle is started up inside a facility, whether it is a garage, repair shop, car dealership, warehouse or fire station, the fumes from the exhaust are condensed in the interior space, making the surrounding air potentially harmful to those present. Workers are certainly the most frequently exposed.

Gasoline and diesel are the fuels used by almost all automobiles today, and are highly polluting, releasing carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide into the air.

exhaust fumes for vehicule warehouse

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Gasoline-powered vehicles of any kind produce exhaust fumes that contain carbon monoxide, an odorless and colorless gas, making it difficult to detect before its harmful effects are felt.

Exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide can cause respiratory arrest and death. It’s a sneaky gas that mixes with air and enters the bloodstream through the lungs, disrupting the transport of oxygen by red blood cells in the bloodstream and preventing the organs from being properly oxygenated.

In case of exposure to lower concentrations, the difficulty is to identify the symptoms, because they can be confused with food poisoning or the beginning of a flu. The first symptoms are nausea, dizziness and headaches. If the exposure to exhaust fumes persists, the person begins to feel very tired and may have difficulty moving around and even become confused or lose consciousness. In the long term, the effects of chronic poisoning are often difficult to diagnose, and neurological problems may appear after some time following exposure.

Some establishments are equipped with a CO detector, unfortunately in some cases, the discomfort is felt even before the detector rings. In most industrialized countries, carbon monoxide is responsible for 50% of fatal poisonings. In the United States, for example, there are approximately 400 deaths each year due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

In addition to gasoline-fueled vehicles, diesel-fueled vehicles (trucks, heavy-duty vehicles, buses, emergency vehicles, or fire trucks), produce fumes that are just as dangerous, if not more. Diesel engines, because of the air/fuel mixture used, as well as the use of a combustion process that includes high temperatures and pressures, produce significant levels of nitrogen oxide (NOx). In addition, exhaust gas recirculation produces the emission of fine particles which represent various health hazards. These particles may be visible as dark, opaque smoke.

Repeated exposure to diesel exhaust can lead to lung and bladder cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. In fact, diesel exhaust was classified as a carcinogen by the WHO (World Health Organization) in 2012.

To protect workers from potential poisoning, facilities must be equipped with a system that capture these gases at the source.

Source Capture Filtration involves routing exhaust gases outside the workplace by attaching a hose to the vehicle’s exhaust pipe and connecting it to a fan. This method keeps workplaces safe.

The AQC difference 

AQC designs and develops efficient systems to capture vehicle exhaust gases at the source. In addition, the support of experts in selecting the right system is what differentiates AQC from its competitors.

First of all, it’s essential to identify the needs of the application in order to determine the temperature of the exhaust. Then it is important to know the number of zones to be covered to evaluate the required ventilation capacity. This is why AQC experts are there, to help you choose a source capture system adapted to your needs.

AQC offers various flexible exhaust hose systems. It can be a reel system or a simple hose lowering system.

gaz d'échappement hewitt

Flexible Hose system

Flexible hose systems are the most affordable solution, yet the hoses remain visible. This system is simple to use and easy to install.

  • For control of the hose extension or retraction, the system is equipped with a retracting rocker with ratchet lock to hold the required length of hose in place.
  • The fan can be mounted directly on the hose or placed remotely.
  • A variety of rubber or metal adapters that connect to the exhaust hose are available.
  • Choice of several diameters and lengths are available for the flexible hose.

Hose Reel

Exhaust hose reel systemManufactured from solid steel components, hose reels allow storage of flexible hose around the barrel when not in use. A set of return springs contained in a steel cassette with a ratchet locking system is bolted to one side of the reel.

  • A motorized version for raising and lowering the hose is also available.
  • Various hose storage capacities.
  • A fan can also be installed at the reel outlet. A central fan can also be connected to multiple reels.
  • A wide variety of rubber or metal adapters that connect to the exhaust hose are available.
  • Choice of several diameters and lengths for the flexible hose.

Rail mounted evacuation system with automatic disconnection for emergency applications (fire stations)

The hose system can be installed on a cart that slides on a rail. This rail also serves as an exhaust duct. When the vehicle starts, a start sensor is activated, and the exhaust fan draws the gases into the rail to the external pipe. When the vehicle leaves the fire station, for example, the cart slides on the rail and the adapter is automatically activated at the garage door. This concept is mainly installed in fire stations or emergency vehicle facilities.

Flexible Hoses

The flexible hoses supplied with these systems tolerate temperatures up to 1200°F


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Don’t hesitate to contact one of our representatives for more information.

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